We are please to announce that the Centro de Estudios Sociales de la Economía (IDAES / UNSAM) has a new website. Since 2006, our center has contributed to debates on “the world of the economy”, articulating between disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and history and also building bridges between academic areas of Latin America, United States and Europe. Now we are pleased to have this new platform that will strengthen these dynamics of expansion of knowledge about the economy.
To celebrate this release, we are providing all visitors access to the “Social Life of the economy” issue in the Journal “Crítica en Desarrollo“, where you will find original articles in Spanish by P. Bourdieu, V. Zelizer, F. Weber , F. Neiburg, among others. This can be accessed here.
Ana Castellani, Alexandre Roig and Ariel Wilkis
Centro de Estudios Sociales de la Economía – CESE