Subtheme 56 at 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 3–5, 2014
Deadline for submission January 13, 2014. See here for more information.
Peter Karnøe, Aalborg University, Denmark
Jeroen Struben, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Liliana Doganova, MINES ParisTech, Paris, France
Call for Papers
The sub-theme addresses valuation challenges for sustainable transformations – involving clean technologies, low carbon products, healthy life styles, etc. Such sustainability oriented innovations attempt to recombine environmental, social and economic value in ways that depart from the existing standards of valuation which have become part of – built into – market structures in the historical process of their formation. This subtheme will explore the collective and interdependent processes of (re-)valuations involved in the construction of sustainable markets.
Recent advances in economic sociology have shown that the qualities and values of goods are not pre-existing, but emerge from assemblages that endow market actors with resources, competencies, and devices (Callon, 1998; 2008). Thus, making sustainable products worth requires the forming and recombining of new, as well as the shifting and unlocking of existing valuation assemblages. Understanding the actors and processes involved in re-organizing markets is a major issue for sustainable innovation.
We invite empirically and theoretically grounded contributions that build upon and bridge different perspectives addressing valuation issues (evolutionary, institutional, and practice theories). We particularly invite work that examines multiple transformation pathways, including eventual “failures”, highlighting the struggles.
- How does socio-technical and institutional lock-in contribute to/constrain the formation of alternative pathways (Unruh, 2002)?
- How can alternative pathways be explained as transformations of established markets? (Schneiberg, 2007)
- How can we understand the role of sustainability oriented market devices (Callon et al., 2007) in the process of unlocking and locking-in ‘orders of worth’ and market valuations?
- Where do these devices come from, and how do they become established, assembled, accepted, and modified over time?
- How are economic and environmental/social values reconciled (Stark, 2009)? How are environmental goods and bads made economically worth (Beckert & Aspers, 2011; Fourcade, 2011)?
- Who and where are the architects of the assemblages? How do new actors and coalitions (involving corporations, government agencies, consumers, NGOs, and others) emerge (Fligstein, 2001)?
- How do interaction dynamics between dominant and peripheral actors enable or constrain field alignment and market shifts (Padgett & Powell, 2012; Rao & Giorgi, 2006)?
- How does the breaking, abandonment, competition, re-making and transformation of categories help to understand the process of (re-)valuation (Rao et al., 2001; Garud et al., 2010; Kennedy et al., 2010; Navis & Glynn, 2010)?