Call for papers for the 4th Critical Finance Studies Conference, 15-17 August 2012, Essex Business School. As the organisers write:
Studying finance critically is playing with / being played by the normative forces of financial apparatuses; risking one’s self in the course of producing radically novel ways of thinking and comprehending finance and, ultimately, of creating new possibilities of life. With this in mind the Fourth Annual Critical Finance Studies conference will be held this year at the University of Essex, Essex Business School, August 15th -17th. With a conference gap in 2011 and with a financial crisis that is still on the agenda, and perhaps even stronger than ever, even compared with 2008, we have decided to devote this year’s conference to the ongoing financial crisis.
Deadline for an extended abstract (about 1000 words) is 15th April 2012.
Further details on socializing finance