6th January 2014

Call for contributions: Workshop on the Economy in AIME at the Copenhagen Business School – 24-26 February 2014

The modes of economies

Con­ven­ers Vin­cent An­tonin Lep­inay (Sci­ences Po), Mar­tin Ko­rn­berger and Ur­sula Plesner (CBS)
Venue CBS

We in­vite read­ers and co-re­searchers of AIME to join us for a unique se­ries of events in Copen­hagen from Feb­ru­ary 24 to 26, 2014.

On Mon­day Feb­ru­ary 24, at 4.30pm at the Copen­hagen Busi­ness School, the AIME plat­form will be pre­sented by the team of schol­ars and de­sign­ers who have de­vel­oped it.

On Tues­day 25th (all day) and Wednes­day 26th (morn­ing), a work­shop will take place at the Copen­hagen Busi­ness School (CBS Ovn­hallen). The last three chap­ters of AIME will be tested em­pir­i­cally.

On Wednes­day 26th, at 5pm, Bruno La­tour will give a pub­lic con­fer­ence on The Af­fects of Cap­i­tal­ism at the Royal Dan­ish Acad­emy of Sci­ences and Let­ters

Deadline 20th January. Futher details and how to apply at;
